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Procrastination my biggest sin, except for chocolate and wine

I'm a procrastinator - (and daydreamer) I can't help it; it's who I am. Honestly, I don't even know if I want to stop being a procrastinator. And no, I'm not talking about the kind of procrastination that causes you to almost miss deadlines at work- although that does happen sometimes too (sorry!). Rather than procrastination, I'm talking about when you find yourself putting off doing something (like learning a new language, going to the gym, trying a new diet... ) because you just don't feel like it right now. Or maybe you're interested in starting your own business but keep telling yourself that there's not enough time right now. Well guess what? There's always going to be enough time! Let me explain why...

What is procrastination?

Procrastination is a form of self-sabotage. It's putting off a task until later, and the longer you put off doing it the more difficult it becomes.

Procrastination can be caused by fear, anxiety and lack of motivation; it can also be caused by perfectionism (the idea that if your work isn't perfect then there's no point in doing it). If you're struggling with procrastination then try changing your thinking from "I have to do this now!" to "I want to do this!"

Why do we procrastinate?

It's a question I've been asking myself for as long as I can remember. The answer is simple: because it feels good! When you put off something that you know needs to be done and have no immediate consequences for doing so, it's like taking a vacation in your mind. You don't have to deal with the stress of whatever task is at hand, or go through any sort of discomfort associated with starting something new or challenging yourself.

There are many reasons why people procrastinate but they all boil down to one thing: fear. Fear of failure and success; fear of change and being stuck in your comfort zone; lack of motivation and time management skills; self-confidence issues-these are just some examples out there among many more common ones such as these two categories listed above which affect most people at some point during their lives regardless if they're aware of them or not

How can I stop procrastinating?

  • Make a list of things you need to do.

  • Prioritize the list.

  • Break tasks down into smaller chunks, so they're more manageable and easier to tackle.

  • Set goals and deadlines for yourself, so you don't feel overwhelmed by what's on your plate at any given time (and then give yourself credit for meeting those goals). This will also help keep you motivated when things get tough!

  • Plan ahead--whether it's making dinner reservations or booking flights/train tickets in advance-so that when an opportunity arises, there won't be any hesitation about whether or not you should take advantage of it; instead, just go with the flow!

  • Get organized: Use apps like Evernote or Todoist (or even Microsoft OneNote) as task managers; use Google Calendar as an organizer; create folders on Dropbox where all documents pertaining to projects go; etcetera...the possibilities are endless! Just make sure whatever tool(s) work best for YOU are readily available so there's no excuse not getting stuff done right away when inspiration strikes (or maybe even before).This last point is my biggest procrastination project. I know how to do it and I really should but ....

Is procrastination always bad?

You may be wondering if procrastination is always a bad thing. The answer is no. There are times when it can help you get things done and there are times when it will just make you feel like crap about yourself. When I am procrastinating, I often use the phrase "I'm just being lazy." But the truth is that there is actually quite a difference between being lazy and procrastinating--and sometimes they overlap!

Sometimes we need to use our own defense mechanisms against ourselves so that we don't go crazy from all our responsibilities (which would also lead us down a path towards being super boring). We all have different ways of dealing with stressors and challenges in life; some people enjoy cooking while others enjoy exercising or watching TV shows where everyone dies at least once every episode (that last one might just be me).

Procrastination can be a good thing if you are avoiding something that is boring or tedious, but it's not always the best option. I have found that when I procrastinate, it often makes me feel worse about myself because I know what needs to be done and yet I am choosing not to do it. If you find yourself struggling with this issue, try learning more about your own personal style of dealing with stressors and challenges so that you can avoid getting stuck in a loop of procrastination.

If you are like me and tend to procrastinate, one thing that has helped me is setting up a schedule for completing certain tasks. For example, when I was working on preparing this weeks sessions, I realized I spent hours (and hours) researching topics before even writing my presentation. This is not efficient at all-it took way longer than it should have because there were so many different sources of information out there (especially with the internet). So I left the computer and went into the garden and dug some holes. And guess what? Just shifting my focus helped me see that it was time to get stuff into the presentation instead of looking for more new and fun stuff to insert.

I realized that I was getting caught up in the details and losing sight of the big picture. When you are setting up your schedule, think about what is most important to you and what needs to be done first. For example, if you have a presentation due at the end of the week but know that it can't be finished because some research needs to be done beforehand; make sure you put research at the top of your list so that it gets done before other things come up.

Don't give up on your dreams!

  • Don't give up on your dreams.

  • Don't be afraid to ask for help.

  • Don't let anyone tell you "no."

  • Don't let anyone stop you from doing what makes your heart sing, even if they think they know better than you do.

  • Be confident in yourself and don't let others make decisions that affect the right path for your life--you should always have final say!

You may wonder how that is related to procrastination but the thing is when we put things up we might be doing so because we give time for daydreming and letting our minds wonder. That is just as inportant as getting things done the exact minute that you intend it to. So be kind to yourself , the mind wandering may just be what made. your presentation, text our pitch even better.

We all procrastinate, but it's important to know that it doesn't have to be a bad thing. In fact, there are some benefits of putting off certain tasks until later in the day or week-like giving yourself more time to think about what you want out of life! The key is finding balance between being productive and doing what makes you happy. So no matter how bad your procrastination habit might seem right now (and trust me, we all have one), don't give up on those dreams just yet: maybe someday soon they'll come true after all...