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finding my why

Have you ever felt like you’re didn’t have the energy to do what you know is right? Maybe you spent hours on social media, scrolling through post just like this one and then when it’s time to get back to work you don’t feel like you have any momentum to continue. I know that feeling and I also know that when I give into distractions and lose my momentum, it’s hard to get back into the game. That’s why I made it part of my routine to write morning papers and take a walk before starting my day it’s not just about getting myself moving. It’s about reminding myself why I’m doing what I’m doing in the first place. It about reminding me WHY I am doing what I am doing in the first place. It helps me remember that there are so many things out there worth fighting for.

kigai I'm sure you've heard about the concept of ikigai. It's an idea from Japan, meaning "a reason for being." The way I see it, ikigai is a compass that helps us find our way in life. When we're lost in the sea of distractions and stressors, it can be hard to find our way back to what matters most. But when you have your own ikigai, it becomes easier to make decisions that are right for you and your goals. If this sounds like something you could use as well, here are some tips on how to get started. And if they don't work for you? That's okay too! Tweak your routines to suit whatever works best for YOU!

work in progress

To start with, be patient with yourself and take your time. Finding what you love, what you stand for and what you are passionate about takes time -that's the whole point! Don't expect to get there in one go, rather tske it step by step- walk your way and build it as you go.

Dig into your journey so far. One way of defining what you love is to think about times when you felt particularly fulfilled, energized, or proud. What were you doing? What values did those experiences align with?

identify your corevalues

What are your core values? The things that matter most to you. What motivates you? What inspires you to take action or make a difference?

It's easy to get caught up in the day-to-day of life, but it's important to take time out for reflection. What holds an impressive tree through the storms? Its roots, using that analogy have you thought about what your root system look like?

Take some time to think about what's important to you. What are your core values? What beliefs do you hold most strongly?

consider your interests

What are you naturally drawn to? What activities or topics do you enjoy learning about or engaging in?

This is not about finding a new hobby but rather to dig a little bit further into what it is about. I love reading, books, articles, blogposts, but that does not mean that sitting in a library is my favourite activity. I realized that my reading passion is rooted in curiosity. So curiosity and learning new things-not reading is my passion.

If you're not sure where to start, try identifying what your favourite childhood memories are (or even just ones from last week). What made them so great? How did they make you feel? What kind of person do they make you want to be?

Once you've figured out what makes your heart skip a beat and makes the blood rush through your veins,that's probably when you'll know.

connect with others

Talk to people who inspire you or who are doing work that you admire. Learn about what drives them and how they found their purpose.

Ask yourself what skills or knowledge you need to achieve that? What courses do I need? Is there any special equipment or supplies needed? What kind of training would be necessary? Do I need to learn new skills or brush up on old ones?

Get feedback: Ask people you trust to describe what they see as your core values. This can help you gain a different perspective and identify values you may not have considered.


Try new things and see what resonates with you. Explore different paths to gain a better understanding of what motivates you.

Begin by taking small steps outside of your comfort zone. This could be something as simple as trying a new type of food or taking a different route to work. Strike up a conversation with a stranger. Share your ideas or opinions in a group discussion. or Speak up if you notice something unfair or unjust happening in your community.

The point is, if you dont know what you like, love or are passionate about try out things, explore new sides to yourself.

And if that feels too uncomfortable, tell people what you are up to, they just might give you input and ideas

And finally is the most important part: ACTION If this dream of yours has been lingering around for too long now then it's time for action! It's all about taking that leap