executive coaching
We believe that building a strong executive team is the key to business success. That's why we offer executive coaching that helps you to become the strongest leader possible.
We know that the world of business can be tough and unforgiving, but we also know that it's not all about your technical skills—it's about your ability to lead with confidence and inspire others to follow you. We help you to build those skills by helping you understand yourself better and find out how you can best fit into your company culture. And then we help you develop a plan for growth, so that you can keep improving as a leader throughout your career.
You'll learn how to identify your strengths and weaknesses so that you can focus on what really matters, how to make the most of each situation at hand, and how to take advantage of opportunities when they arise. You'll also learn how to make decisions in times of crisis without losing confidence or control over your emotions, which will make you less likely to panic when things get tough at work (and who doesn't want that?).
Our sessions are confidential, so don't worry about anyone knowing what happens between us—just come prepared with an open mind!
leadership development
Business is changing rapidly, and leaders are getting the short end of the stick. "Speed is of essence," they're told. "There's no time to stop and reflect." Leaders are pushed into making important decisions without being given the proper information to make them well.
To address this issue, it's important that businesses find ways to help their leaders grow, both in their roles and as people. That's why we've established career spaces for growth and dialogue . We understand just how difficult it can be to balance your responsibilities as a leader with your need for personal growth, but we also know that by providing extra support, you'll be able to make better decisions in the future. So if you'd like to find out more how we can help you grow, contact us today!
team development
Teams are the foundation of many endeavors, including corporate structures, non-profits and the like. A group of people working together towards a common goal is a great thing. It's a good feeling to know that you are part of something bigger and that you have the support of your colleagues.
But teamwork isn't always easy. You might be working with people who don't work well together or you might be dealing with clashing personalities or people who simply don't understand each other's point of view. And while you may feel like it's your job to bring everyone together and make sure they get along, it's not always the right choice. In fact, forcing people to be friends often ends up doing more harm than good.
What we need to do instead is help our teams grow and learn how to work with each other in a healthy way - even when things aren't perfect. If you can help teammates learn how to deal with conflict and differences of opinion, you can create the kind of team that will not only survive through tough times but will actually thrive because they learned how to work through issues together.
When it comes to business strategy, it's easy to get caught up in the grind of everyday life. With so many demands on your attention, you might find that you don't have any left for the big picture. That can make it hard to focus on and develop long-term goals or consider what your organization needs to do to be ready for the future. In a workshop called LEGO Serious Play, participants are invited to build an answer with LEGO® bricks. Unlike other approaches that include play and storytelling, this one uniquely combines a structured approach with play and storytelling. The guided session encourages participants to envision their own solutions as they're building with LEGOs, then share their models with each other afterward—a unique fact is also that each participant is asked to put his/her contribution in the spotlight. This comes from one of the principles of LEGO Serious Play, namely that every stakeholder can contribute to the solution.
This isn't a brainstorming exercise; it's an opportunity for everyone involved to imagine where they'd like their lives and work to go next, and get there together. And because this type of planning is done during a playful activity, people are more open, more open than they would be during a more formal planning session, which allows them to share ideas
reflection cards
When you think about it, a book is really just a workshop that you facilitate. It's just a set of words on paper that need to be activated in order to become useful. Why not take advantage of the tools we have to make learning more effective? We've developed an easy method for converting books into workshops for groups, and people are loving it. The main benefit of this is the opportunity for participants to engage with content in a more embodied manner. Books are great, but they can be even better when they're made into something participants can dig into together, discover with their senses, and process through discussion.
inspirational speaker
When it comes to leading in a disruptive world, you have to be able to adapt. The only way you can do that is if you're willing to change.
Change is hard. You have to be resilient and understand that there are going to be moments when things don't go your way. That's OK—it's those moments that will help you grow as a person and as a leader.
The most important thing is that you stay focused on your mission, which is why we've created this talk: so that you can learn how to lead in a disruptive world, and create real change for your team and organization!